Sunday, June 22, 2008


I have some how forgot to mention our cute little pup Harley. He is the oldest and the smallest of my three kids. TJ and I got Harley just after we were married a little over five years ago, and even though he has a couple issues our family would not be the same without him. Harley was a spoiled only child until Taylor came into his life. I don't think he really realized how his world was going to change until this last year. Even though Taylor drives him nuts and dresses him up like one of her babies, they are still the best of friends. Harley is always bringing the ball to Tay to throw, or following her around in hopes that she will drop some of her food to him. Taylor loves to just boss him around and tell him that he is naughty and to go into timeout when ever he barks. The good news is that the two of them can keep each other occupied most of the time, which is awesome for me. All in all we love him and he completes our family.


Amy and Kody said...

Cute Dog! You have been tagged!

RyanandHailee said...

That really is a cute picture of the two of them. They really are inseperable! You gotta love it.... poor dog, if he ever needs a buddie to talk to about it Mya will be waiting.. J/K We love HAR...LAAAY.. hum there is just no way to say it like tay does :)

Val said...

I can't believe how big Taylor is. Harley looks as cute as ever. Our poor dog is getting so old. Our baby is going to drive her crazy. Did Harley adjust to your kids easily? I am worried about that!